If you are planning to use the services of Gallatin Mental Health Center for the first time, please come in on a Tuesday or a Wednesday between 9am and 1pm. When you come, please bring the completed new client application or you will need to complete it in the health center. You can get an application anytime at Gallatin Mental Health or ask us to mail it to you. You also need to bring your driver’s license (or other photo ID) and your insurance cards. If you wish to apply for sliding fee, we will need your last three pay stubs or other reliable proof of income. Our center is open Monday – Thursday 8 am to 6 pm, Friday: 8 am to 4 pm. If you need advice or want to ask questions outside of our working hours, please call the Help Center, which is active 24/7.
Category: Health Care
Hustle for Hope Charity Run
You can participate in races not only for the sake of emotions and medals but also for the benefit of those who need help. Gallatin Mental Health Center, Hustle for Hope fundraiser, figured out how the running charity works in the world, and who can become a participant of the charity run. A bit of history One of the first mentions of charity runs appeared in 1988. The leukemia and lymphoma community suggested several runners to run a marathon distance and raise funds in support of those who need help. In return, the community paid the athletes for the road to the marathon venue and also arranged a unique sports training. Now thousands of people all over the world are participating in charity runs.
Right Motivation for Lowe’s Hero Project
Any non-profit organization that has been working with volunteers for a long time has its unique experience in this field. The head of Gallatin Mental Health told us about the motivation with which people come to volunteer and whether it is possible to “motivate” a person for long-term quality work. Motivation among people is very different, and for ourselves, we divide it into two groups: The first is when a man has personal motivation, holistic, aim-oriented. This is a great value. We can always rely on people with such motivation. They come with a clear desire and readiness for social service and most often do not choose their form for volunteering. Relatively speaking, if you need to care about the bed patient in the hospital, they will do it; will wash the floors if needed. That is, these are people who are ready to go with a trusted organization in…
Out of Darkness Walk 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016, saw how the Gallatin Mental Health Center assisted to support Bozeman’s first annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk to foster the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). This event is the AFSP’s event for signature fundraising to advance information awareness, knowledge, and support relating to prevention of committing suicide. Brooke North, Francesca Marsh, and Francesca Marsh of GMHC created a planning committee. This committee includes partners from the Help Center, Montana State University Counseling and Psychological Services, and Walmart to organize this fascinating event. At the end of the day, over 350 people visited this meeting. Over $35,000 was donated. 50% of visitors come back to the MT AFSP chapter! US Senator Charles Thompson announced the significance of services for mental health and suicide prevention. Chelsea Jarvis ensured an inspiring personal narrative and motivation for continuing maintenance. Declan Owens and Aaron Burrows, adult case managers…