Partnership Thrive

The Partnership Project supports young people who are planning parenthood or have already become parents. The project is run by Thrive, Hope House Bozeman and Gallatin Mental Health Center. The main goals and objectives of this project are to create a system for providing psychological and social assistance to young families; assisting family members in overcoming various disruptions in family functioning; formation of motivation for health and healthy lifestyle; carrying out activities aimed at rallying the family. The program of the psychological support group includes individual and group psychological consultations, round tables on issues of interest to young families: the moral education of children, housing problems, the psychological microclimate in the family. Additional specialists are involved in the consultations – they are needed to solve family problems (pediatrician, speech therapist, educator, lawyer).

Goals of the Partnership Project:

  1. the creation and organization of the system to achieve maximum efficiency in the provision of integrated psychological and social assistance to young families;
  2. assisting the family in creating conditions aimed at protecting and strengthening the mental and psycho-physiological health of family members, ensuring their personal growth and success in society;
  3. assistance to family members in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for the formation and sustainable motivation to health and a healthy lifestyle, motivation to overcome various disruptions in the functioning of the family.

Project tasks:

  1. development of a support system for social adaptation of young families;
  2. work with the family to solve specific topical problems associated with certain difficulties in the behavior, communication and development of family members;
  3. implementation of developmental programs with parents, taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the tasks of their development at each age stage;
  4. carrying out diagnostic and correction work with “difficult” families;
  5. identification and elimination of psychological causes of violation of interpersonal relations in the family;
  6. counseling parents on the psychological problems of parenting;
  7. development of educational programs aimed at preserving the mental and physical health of family members, teaching them a healthy lifestyle.