Career Opportunities

We invite medical specialists to join our team! Currently, Gallatin Mental Health Center has the following vacancies:

Medical psychologist

  • Conducts work aimed at restoring mental health and correcting deviations in the personality development of patients;
  • Identifies the conditions that prevent or impede the harmonious development of the patient’s personality;
  • Carries out work on psycho-prophylaxis, psycho-correction, psychological counseling of patients, as a result of which he assists patients and their relatives in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems;
  • Conducts psychodiagnostic studies and long-term diagnostic monitoring of patients, paying special attention to people with risk factors for mental disorders;
  • Together with the attending physician, he develops developmental and psychocorrectional programs taking into account the individual, sex and age factors of patients;
  • Performs work on career guidance of patients, taking into account their wishes, abilities and situational capabilities;
  • Conducts work on the training of medical personnel issues of medical, social psychology.


  • Carrying out work in educational institutions for the provision of mental health and personal development of children and adolescents;
  • Working out developmental and psychocorrectional training programs;
  • Providing socio-psychological support to children with mental and physical defects;
  • Counseling managers and employees of institutions, organizations, enterprises on personnel and labor issues that require consideration of psychological factors;
  • Career guidance work.


  • Clinical treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, game addiction, smoking, taking smoking mixtures);
  • Psychiatric care (with neurosis, depression, phobias, obsessive states); complex therapy of alcoholism (treating alcoholism at home and in the Gallatin Mental Health clinic, drug treatment, coding, psychological assistance);
  • Drug addiction treatment (anonymous consultation with a narcologist, including at home, ultrafast opioid detoxification).


  • Outpatient admission of patients – provision of qualified medical care for acute and exacerbation of borderline psychiatric diseases.


  • Carries out work aimed at the maximum correction of developmental deficiencies in students, children with developmental disorders, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for deaf, hearing-impaired and late-ill, blind, visually impaired and late-blind children, children with severe speech disorders, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, mental retardation, mentally retarded and other children her with disabilities);
  • Carries out a survey of children, determines the structure and severity of their developmental disorders;
  • Sets up groups for classes based on the psychophysical state of children;
  • Conducts group and individual classes to correct deficiencies in development, to restore impaired functions.


  • Medical and social, therapeutic and preventive, sanitary and hygienic, educational and educational work in Hope House Bozeman;
  • Daily rounds of departments together with doctors, the senior nurse;
  • Monitoring the somatic and mental health of clients, timely report on changes in their health status to the attending physician;
  • Accompanying patients to diagnostic and treatment rooms;
  • Distribution of medicines and performing medical procedures as directed by a doctor.
  • Making emergency and planned injections in the evening;
  • General care for clients.